Jumping Frog - Author
Jan Teede was born at Victoria Falls, Livingstone Zambia in 1958, within earshot of the Falls. He was kept in a meatsafe for the first six weeks of his life to keep the mosquitos at bay, but says that his earliest memory was being pursued by monkeys on the lip of the Eastern Cataract. Educated at Peterhouse school in Zimbabwe, he read law at Exeter University but later gave up the profession to indulge a lifelong passion for wildlife, photography, filming and writing.
He is also the author or co-author with his wife Fiona, of two photographic books, the regional best-seller ‘Zambezi, River of the Gods,’ published by Andre Deutche and later by Ruscome books, and ‘African Thunder,’ published by Russel Friedman books, about the Zambezi river and the Victoria Falls respectively, and a number of other publications.
The Teedes have four children, ranging in age from 24 to 32, all of whom have drunk deeply from the chalice of Africa and find the addiction difficult to escape.
The other books we’ve done in the past, African thunder, River of the Gods, President’s herd etc are all out of print and will not be reprinted so I think there is nothing to be gained by adding them to the site.
Other Books include:
African Thunder - Victoria Falls
The Zambezi - River of the God's